ways to get money online

ways to get money online

 Hello friends, in today's post I will tell you some ways to make money online

ways to make money online

It is very easy to earn money online, you just need to know how to earn money online. In today's post we will tell you some of the ways to earn money online. Let's start today's post without talking too much about circulation.

There are many ways to earn money online, such as applications, websites, surveys and many more. One of the ways I'm going to tell you today is how you can make money from an online application. The name of the app that we will talk about today is Trago app, it is a very cool app and you can easily earn a lot of money from this app. So let's find out how you can earn a lot of money from this app.

ways to make money online, from Trago app.

Now we know how we can earn a lot of money from this app and take that money directly to our bank account or Paytm (you can take this money with Google Play Gift Card) All you have to do is follow the steps below to earn income from this app 

1. Download the app from the link given below, create an account in the app by downloading, it is very easy to create an account, so I did not tell you how to create an account, I hope everyone can create an account.

Be sure to use the referral code when creating an account. If you have a referral code you can use that referral code or you can use our referral code d4u5h

2. After creating an account in the app, you will see options like the screenshot given below  
ways to get money online
If you use our referral code while creating an account in this app, you will get 25 rupees for free in this app, and by using that money you can earn a lot of money in this app. So now we know how you can earn a lot of money with this 25 rupees.

3. In order to earn income in this app, you can see many quizzes in this app in which all you have to do is Yes No Credit, like today's IPL Rajasthan vs Bangalore, here Rajasthan will win Yes No. If you win Rajasthan will give you then you can edit yes and if you don't think Rajasthan will win then you can predict in no. If you win after predicting in this way, you can take a lot of money from here. Here you can take 5 rupees and take 45 rupees.

This way you can earn a lot of money from this app. So let's find out now how you can get this money into your bank account

4. All you have to do is go to the wallet option below and you can see your balance. To take money from this app you need to convert your total friend to Winning France and if you make 100 rupees to your winning friend you can take it directly to your UPI or bank.

When withdrawing money, you have to verify KYC with any PAN card number. Here you can give fake PAN card number. You can do KYC. After doing KYC, you add 100 rupees. 

After adding the money you will have your windows so much money you have to request for all the width and within 5 minutes of requesting all the balance will be transferred to your bank account. I personally received the payment from this app, I gave your payment proof below 
ways to get money online

Below is the link of the app, but click on that link, wait 15 seconds and download the app

Download App